Rich takes on some of the claims that Obama’s team can’t handle what Clinton and others will throw at them.


Giangreco was central to Rod’s reelection–you know, the one where he ran against George Ryan…uhhhh…Judy.

Let me add as I briefly mentioned below. Gibbs worked with the team that torpedoed Dean with the terrorism commercials in Iowa. That might not ingratiate him to others, but he’s good at fighting. He just had an embarrassment of riches in 2004 with Keyes.

Hildebrand ran a brutal campaign against Bradley in Iowa. Every damned event Gore people were there mucking it up.

Burton was working in a very effective press shop at DCCC this cycle. They turned out good work the entire campaign keeping the Republicans off of message.

I don’t know if this team will win, but it’s certainly a group who can handle a punch and hit back.

7 thoughts on “They’re Too Soft”
  1. The Dem candidate will need precisely such a time to win the primary and, more importantly, the general.

    Look at the …ahem …really nice people… McCain is lining up for his run. He’s going to simultaneously Gore, McCain and Swift Boat any and every opponent he has.

  2. I’m not saying it’s so, but I wonder how much of this “Obama is gonna get raked by Clinton” comes from the natural but intensely grating New York superiority and the equally grating Chicago inferiority complex when it comes to the Big Apple?

  3. I don’t see HRC going negative on Obama successfully.

    There are two problems for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    She can’t go negative against Obama in a way that prevents her from bridging back to Black voters in the general election.

    Also, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s popularity with the Dem base originates from the perception that GOP attacks against her and her husband were unfair. If HRC uses attacks that are perceived as being unfair against another Dems she will risk losing her own support.

    I think HRC’s best strategy would have been to declare early and try to run on the Clinton economy. Let the “second tier” candidates go negative against each other.

    By waiting until late to declare HRC has made her situation more difficult.

    As I read the situation her best play is to stay out of the race. Perhaps she was trying to calculate how to beat Gore while Obama was calculating how to beat HRC.

  4. Understand, I don’t have a dog in this fight.


    I look forward to when Obama goes through the wood chipper, otherwise known as the Clinton Political Machine.

    True, the media is building him up, only later to tear him back down…think Howard ‘I have a scream’ Dean.

    All that said, Obama can have the nomination when he takes it from the cold dead figures of Hilary.

    If Obama runs is ’08 he is too stupid to be President. If he decides not to run in ’08 he is way too smart to be President.

    If nothing else, Democratic Party politics is (almost) always fun to watch

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