Used his home phone even though he knew he was under investigation:
b. On October 29, 2008, Chief Judge James Holderman entered an Order
authorizing the interception of wire communications to and from a landline telephone
subscribed to ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home address and used by ROD BLAGOJEVICH and
others. The interception of wire communications to and from ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home
phone began on the evening of October 29, 2008. On November 26, 2008, Acting Chief
Judge Matthew F. Kennelly signed an order authorizing the continued interception of wire
communications on ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home phone for a second 30-day period.
Doesn’t he even watch TV? I mean, it’s not like he was busy being Governor.
What happens now?
Will Blagojevich resign? If not, what happens next? Impeachment and trial? How long would this take?
So now the question is, who is “Senate Candidate 5?”
For some reason, everyone seems to be saying JJJr. is “Senate Candidate 5”, but they hate each other. I’m hoping for that silly Moonie Danny Davis myself.
Hello Gov. Pat Quinn.
God, he really is THAT FLIPPIN STUPID. From absolute high (PE Obama) to absolute low (Schmucky Schmuck Blago).
What an idiot!! “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, comes to mind. To conduct himself in such a manner despite already walking a tight rope in a legal sense is just mind boggling.