The Senate Candidates Left

Jeff Berkowitz puts together the list of who’s in, who’s out and who is potentially persuadable.

I haven’t seen the official list of who has applied for the job so if anyone has it—and isn’t going to get in trouble pass it on.

A couple things to clarify from Jeff’s article

McCracken said no and he lists Jim Thompson, Peter Fitzgerald and Schillerstrom as people who might change their minds. I can’t imagine Big Jim would get in this race. I could be wrong and maybe DC reignited the fire, but I see that a fight he wouldn’t want at this age. Peter–as Jeff says is effectively out though I’ll add it isn’t just because of Judy and Kjellander, but also Speaker Hastert. Schillerstrom is gearing up for an ’06 Gubernatorial bid so I don’t buy that (though the confusion on the poor Governor’s face as he confuses Schiller of the Board of Ed and Schillerstrom will be hysterical–didn’t I already fire that guy?)

Bring back MacDougal? Only in my dreams, only in my dreams.

Unless Ditka comes through, I think option one is likely:

Go with an embarrassing candidate and blame it all on Jack.

One thought on “The Senate Candidates Left”
  1. In case Oberweis is wondering…if he gets screwed in favor of Ditka. He can’t defect. We don’t want him. Ever.

    Yo Qiero Oberweis.

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