David Brooks is an asshole. 

Let me just say, Obama would do fine at the Applebees I go to (the girls like their Mac and Cheese).  He has two young girls and it’s pretty damn easy to take them to Applebees or Chilis. And what the hell Applebees is Brooks going to–since they don’t have salad bars…

Our discourse keeps getting stupider every day.  David Brooks goes and visits the homespun folks and thinks he’s one of them.

Oh, and how does David Brooks do at Harold’s? Oh wait…that doesn’t count. They have black people there (the closest three Applebees to me almost always have a majority of patrons who are black–but I think we know what Brooks is thinking of here).  

Thinking your Slats Grobnik’s best friend doesn’t qualify one to know what Slats thought. 

3 thoughts on “The Salad Bar?”
  1. Ruby Tuesday.

    Ruby Tuesday has a salad bar. Mmmm…unlimited salad bar.

    Having little kids means never having to say you’re sorry for going to chain restaurants (especially ones with beer).

    Oh, yeah. David Brooks is a shitheel.

  2. Exactly. They don’t complain and we are happy. Though I have to say they love the authentic Mexican and Italian and the sort, but goddamn if it shuts them up, take ’em there.

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