The Pointlessness of Kennedy’s Concurrence

Is well captured by Scott Lemiuex

The opinion was predictably narrowed by Kennedy, who provided the swing vote but (exactly as Dahlia Lithwick predicted) holding out that a future program may theoretically take race into account. This probably won’t be terribly meaningful in practice (particularly since the federal courts are rapidly abandoning the desegregation orders necessary for Kennedy’s distinction to be relevant.)

The ruling regarding Louisville is that the system has no vestiges of segregation and thus the standard for those places covered by past desegregation efforts are pretty much gone. Even with past discrimination, modest efforts at integration will be restricted since almost all of the cases have settled or ended.

Oh, and since I’m linking to LGM, I should share what it’s like going to a ballgame with 2/3 of Lefarkins (Farley and djw). We were in Daytona for the AP Government and Politics Reading and took in a game of the Daytona Cubs managed by Jody Davis!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

That was pretty much most of the evening. It was quite fun.

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