Congressman Mark Kirk calls Palin the “Patrick Fitzgerald Of Alaska” for her grit and determination in taking on the old-line Republican guard in Alaska.
Call It A Comeback
Congressman Mark Kirk calls Palin the “Patrick Fitzgerald Of Alaska” for her grit and determination in taking on the old-line Republican guard in Alaska.
Fitzgerald doesn’t go around firing people in what look like political and personal vendettas. As mayor she fired the library director and fire chief under questionable circumstances and as guv she famously fired the head of the state troopers, an act for which she is under investigation now…
We’ve already had one Republican veep willing to abuse the privileges of the office who outed an undercover CIA agent and then tried to sweep it away… Gov. Palin’s history as mayor and governor don’t give me confidence that she’ll be much different; esp. since it’s becoming more and more clear that McCain was goaded into picking her anyway (instead of his first choice).
Apparently the old-line Republican guard in Alaska calls itself “The Corrupt Bastards Club” … sounds like DC.