Kwame Raoul gets mentioned in another speculative piece on Obama’s potential replacements

(yes, there are some real problems with Kwame getting the call given it would anger Jackson Jr.)

0 thoughts on “The Kwame Tsunami”
  1. I don’t put much stock in Jefferson’s quote in that piece. He says he just heard of Tammy Duckwork (sic) being mentioned recently. Where’s he been?

    And he sort of tossed in Kwame as an afterthought. I didn’t read it as being a big promo for him.

  2. If Obama had his way in 2004-5, we might be talking about State Senator Will Burns taking the U.S. Senate seat. I like Sen. Raoul, but he wasn’t Obama’s choice then, and if Obama reveals his preferred replacement, I highly doubt it will be Raoul.

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