The IL GOP Cannot Even Let Someone Perjure Themselves

It’s hard to do, but the Illinois GOP has found another way to look hapless and stupid with calls for Roland Burris to be investigated for perjury.

The new affidavit prompted calls by Illinois House Republicans, including Rep. Jim Durkin (R- Western Springs), to convene the Democratic-led House impeachment panel and ask it to refer Burris’ affidavits and testimony to the Sangamon County state’s attorney, Republican John Schmidt, for investigation over possible perjury. Durkin was the lead Republican on the House panel and questioned Burris about his contacts.

According to transcripts of the hearing, Durkin asked Burris if he discussed the Senate vacancy with “any members of the governor’s staff or anyone closely related to the governor, including with family members or any lobbyists connected with [Blagojevich]” and then named Harris, Blagojevich, Scofield, Monk and Wyma as well as deputy governor Bob Greenlee.

After conferring with his attorney, Burris responded, “I talked to some friends about my desire to be appointed, yes.”

On Sunday, Burris maintained his “yes” answer applied to every name Durkin asked about except Greenlee.

“There’s a ‘yes’ answer in that it means I talked to all of those individuals,” he said.

Asked why he went on to answer a follow up question by Durkin that only detailed contacting Monk, the senator blamed his Republican questioner who “took us off in a different direction” that didn’t allow him to give a complete answer. “Why didn’t he come back to those [others] if he was interested in them?” Burris said of Durkin.

After Burris’ news conference, Durkin said it was “pretty clear what I was asking” at the hearing. “There’s nothing from what I heard in the press conference that changes my mind” in seeking a perjury investigation, he said.

Burris’ attorney said the senator decided to file a new affidavit after reading a copy of the transcript of his testimony at the hearing “to make sure there was nothing left out.”

Burris said on Sunday that the initial affidavit was in response to the panel’s interest in how he obtained the appointment and that the most recently filed affidavit “dealt with contacts I had about the Senate seat. Look at the difference.”

I want to side with Jim Durkin here, but as Rich points out, the record is that Durkin moved on.

Check the transcript. After Burris testified about his meeting with Lon Monk, this is what Rep. Durkin asked…

REPRESENTATIVE DURKIN: Okay. Did you speak to any individuals who — any individuals who were also seeking the appointment of the United States Senate seat, otherwise people we’ve referred to as Senate candidates one through five?

My jaw dropped when Durkin did that because I couldn’t believe he just let go of Burris approaching a lobbyist for consideration as a Senate replacement.

It was sloppy questioning and while Burris clearly was evasive, there isn’t a perjury case for that sequence.

0 thoughts on “The IL GOP Cannot Even Let Someone Perjure Themselves”
  1. Barb Morrill notes that Rep. Jill Tracy’s later question is virtually the same as Durkin’s, and that Burris may have perjured himself on that one.

    REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: So you don’t recall that there was anybody else besides Lon Monk that you expressed that interest to at that point?

    MR. BURRIS: No, I can’t recall.

    Of course, compounding the issue is the fact that Burris is actually “friends” with some of Blago’s close associates (except that Greenwhateverlee… don’t know who that guy is…)

    Why, oh, why hasn’t Burris won a primary in decades?!?!

  2. … and ALL of this came AFTER Burris cashed-in this sworn “Get into Senate Free” card:

    January 5th, 2009″

    “Prior to the December 26, 2008 telephone call from Mr. Adams, Jr., there was not any contact between myself or any of my representatives with Governor Blagojevich or any of his representatives regarding my appointment to the United States Senate.”

    The United States Senate accepted Burris on his sworn word.

    Turns out the word of The Royal Burris is worth nothiing.

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