The Gadflyer On the Obama Race

5 thoughts on “The Gadflyer On the Obama Race”
  1. Not sure I agree that Bush is going to be in the mix. I don’t think Bush will waste resources on a state he doesn’t need and won’t/can’t win, and I’m not sure Ryan wants him around since he’s viewed very unfavorably in Illinois.

    I expect that Obama is going to be painted as an extreme liberal out of touch with “mainstream” Illinois voters, and they’re going to come after him hard on his opposition to the war in Iraq. Whether these types of issues will resonate is questionable since this state has trended so Democratic recently and Obama can point to some of his state senate record as more moderate.

    But I agree that he’s going to be getting a lot of national attention and that’s going to even out some of the resource differences.

  2. I’ll tell you what i expect (and hope for)–lots of Michelle Obama. If you were at the Hyatt Tuesday night (“Because I love you”) or Bob Chinn’s Friday or at any other event at which she’s spoken, you realize she equals her husband in star quality and eloquence.

    Plus, she’s the key to stealing the family values spin from the republicans. Jack! has an ex-wife, apparently with custody of their only child, producing soft-core porn movies in la la land. Barack has a stable, loving marriage to Michelle and two beautiful daughters.

  3. Yeah, the-paint-Obama-as-a-dangerous-radical- liberal meme has already begun, JK. I heard quotes coming out of the GOP ‘unity breakfast’ the day after the primary playing that game.
    Having said that, I don’t think we need to stoop as low as Corvax did above. We can beat Ryan on the issues.

  4. Cat, i take offense to your characterizing my suggestion as stooping low. a campaign operates on many levels, and, in addition to beating them on the issues, we have to appeal to voters who don’t vote on the issues, but on impressions, and there are thousands of them. (how do you think we got Reagan twice and Clinton twice?). i’m sure we’re all working together toward the same goal.

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