One thing I will say about (Lt. Gov.) Pat Quinn , from a distance, is, he’s a lousy campaign fundraiser. And me some sense of respect for him…..former U.S. Atty. Patrick Collins on “Chicago Tonight,” 1-7-09
Call It A Comeback
So, what does that say about Barack Obama?
One thing I don’t care for Mr Quin about happened in 1980, before I was an IL resident. I can’t believe a real progressive would give up proportional representation…..This has a lot to do with now much power the 4 tops wield with their directing campaign donations. Before the cutback amendment candidates did not need all that much help for the powers that be.
As much as it says about Dan Curry, Dan.
“So, what does that say about Barack Obama?”
Seriously? Is this sort of bellyaching and all-roads-lead-to-Obama logic twisting going to go on for the next four or eight years?
It’s exhausting already.