The Best Solution–Quickee Impeachment

I’m not kidding either.  Without it he’s still in place if regardless of any other course of action involving legislation to take the power of appointment away.  Impeach in the morning in the House and convict in the Senate by afternoon and hope he doesn’t rush an appointment in the meantime.  Every moment he is free is another moment he can be delusional and try something. True, he has to find someone who will accept, but I’d rather not find out if he can.

0 thoughts on “The Best Solution–Quickee Impeachment”
  1. You are one hundred percent correct. The Governor could be impeached and tried within 2 weeks. There are no dur process rules regarding impeachment trials. Indeed most of them have not even been real trials.

    On the other hand if I were the Governor’s lawyers I would offer to plead guilty with a promise of no jail time (if that is possible under federal rules) he has some big bargaining chips right now and could bargain much like Spiro Agnew did back in the 70’s.

    Fitzgerald at his press conference seemed to suggest that the ost important thing is to get this guy out of office. There might be a shot this way.

    But he must go and he must go quickly. This is no longer an Illinois problem, this is a national problem.

  2. There is just TOO MUCH to read right now. I don’t even know where to start. You’re completely right – no way no how should Blago be allowed to pick the replacement Senator.

    Impeach. As quickly as possible.

    This guy is such a nutjob – he’s going to be stupid enough to try and plead not-guilty.

  3. Stuart—couldn’t it be done even faster in terms of impeachment?

    I’m normally for taking time and such, but given the nature of this Governor, it seems to me we could do it even faster than you suggest?

  4. Doesn’t the US Senate have the ability to expel one of its members? I recall this coming up when it was looking like Ted Stevens might win his race. So even if Blago tries to fill the seat at this point, the appointment is not guaranteed—not to mention, anyone who might be involved in this is presumably too politically savvy to accept an appointment that would be, in the words of a different Fitzgerald, “like getting a cancer transplant”.

  5. They don’t have to seat whomever Blagojevich would pick. I think that’s a real possibility and Reid hinted at it. That said, who knows what Blagojevich might try and he does have some sycophants out there.

  6. The problem with quickie impeachment is that the very act has never been done in Illinois — the bodies are creating precedent at literally every turn. They have to be careful and decisive. Swift as they can, yes. One day — not a good idea, in my opinion.

    Best option for speed is to ask the Supreme Court to rule him temporarily disabled to execute the powers of the office, which would make Quinn acting governor – and then move to impeachment with more deliberation and care.

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