The Mercury restrictions. Jack Darin covered it over at the Sierra Club blog . Mercury pollution is a pretty straightforward problem of, if it costs more to remove it, then those using the power should pay more to remove it. The technology is there and doing it in short order makes a lot more sense than 2018. Frankly, if the specific plants can’t be retrofitted, it’s time to build new plants.
It also produced the best quote of recent weeks from Steve Rauschenberger:
“I like clean air, but…
And it didn’t get better in context:
….I’m not sure what he’s talking about is practical or affordable,
The question isn’t whether it is practical or affordable, but whether it is important to protect human health. Practical or affordable goes to methods to reach a goal, not what the goal should be. That is the basis of the Clean Air Act and the State of Illinois is clearly going to have to move ahead since Bush seems to think a twelve year phase in is reasonable.
I think some of our university campuses are using coal, no?
Why shouldn’t government be the leader here, in all categories?
I thought “Conservatives” were supposed to be for government protecting us, if not much more. Brilliant work by Blagojevich.
Make the explain why they won’t do the right thing.
Do you really think Blago will spend money on doing the right thing? He only cares about himself and his political future. He needs to go.