Brings a few questions to mind…
October 28, 2008
Open Letter to Governor Palin:
We admire your ability to galvanize the conservative movement in America
with such conviction, clarity, and grace. Your message of small
government, social conservatism, and reform has endured the attacks of
your detractors, re-energized a presidential campaign and, God willing,
will soon bring you into the vice presidency.
You have taken a stand against corruption in Alaska, and your demand
that Senator Stevens, regrettably now a convicted felon, step down from
his position has shown you true to your convictions and that you can be
relied upon to reform government at the highest levels.
However, Governor, you have many supporters in Alaska that wonder who
you are supporting in the U.S. Senate election. Allow us to suggest a
Bob Bird is the AIP candidate for U.S. Senate. He is a hockey coach and
father of three who has introduced thousands of Alaska’s high school
students to the truth of our nation’s Constitution in more than 30 years
of service as a public educator in Alaska’s schools. He is an avid
sportsman, a devout Christian, and former President of Alaska Right to
Life. Bob was a lifelong Republican until faced with the same corruption
which you recognized and now casts a shadow over our great state. In
1996, he left the party and joined more than 14,000 other Alaskans,
including myself in the AIP—not a radical group as painted by an unjust
media, but Alaska’s most respected and established third party, a
socially and fiscally conservative party. You remember that in 1990
Wally Hickel, former U.S. Interior Secretary under Ronald Reagan, was
elected on the AIP ticket to the same gubernatorial position you now hold.
Senator Stevens’ betrayal of his constituents is unfortunate, but as a
conservative coalition we cannot let it result in the election of
another liberal democrat to Congress. Bob Bird _is_ a conservative, and
he will caucus with Republicans at a time America can’t afford to let
Harry Reid get a 60-person majority in the Senate. Bob will join your
movement to bring Constitutional conservatism, transparency, and simple
Alaskan common sense to Washington.
Please, when asked by the next “gotcha” reporter who thinks they can
stump you with a question about who you will support in the race for
U.S. Senate in Alaska, simply respond, “Bob Bird, a fellow conservative
and Washington outsider who I know will bring honor and integrity back
to that seat in the U.S. Senate.”
Good luck, God bless you, and may God bless the America people in this
most crucial of times.
Lynette Clark, Chairman
Alaskan Independence Party
Guess another group that helped advance Sarah Palin’s career gets to learn about how she repays those that help her.
If elected, would Bob Bird’s first motion be to allow Alaska to secede so instead of being in “real” America it can be “real” Alaska?
Adding, I wonder if Mr. Bird’s family got their collectivist check from their socialist governor…