
His ideas aren’t as insane as Keyes, but he’s every bit the egomaniac who has little tolerance for those who he thinks are fools–which is everyone who disagrees with him.

Bonus points to the reporter who asks him if he has a mouse in his pocket the next time he uses the Royal We.

0 thoughts on “That’s Our Roland”
  1. The object I have heard mentioned in the pocket is something far worse.

    In a way this reminds me of watching Willie Mays in his final days with the Mets. Roland is no Willie Mays but it is just sad to see someone who was fairly competent as a politician make a spectacle of themselves on the national scene. Like everything else in this sad story we Illinoisans look like fools.

  2. “Three groups are permitted that usage: pregnant women, royalty, and schizophrenics. Which one are you?”

    -the late Admiral Hyman Rickover, considered the father of the nuclear Navy, on the use of the “Royal We.”

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