Zip it up jackass

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extra-marital affair with a novice film-maker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 42-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter’s baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby’s birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.

A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

I don’t care much about his personal life, but doing it during a Presidential campaign is reckless and while it won’t have any lasting effect since he’s not the nominee, he screws up several news cycles and everyone knows the chattering class can’t stop talking about sex–unless it involves diapers.

0 thoughts on “Thanks John”
  1. Surely this Hunter woman was smart enough that even though she may not have been a top filmer,she would record the conception(Oh boy a new porn )between her and John Edwards for future financial backing.So ,now they take these proceeds and pay back the people they took the money from and if it was his private money ,which he says he did’nt know and nobobody does’nt know about where thier own ,money goes then it’s all just gravy. Think about it.

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