The Pentagon plans to deploy national missile defense later this year — just in time for the November elections. Incredibly, 13 Republicans and 1 Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee last week refused to require the Pentagon to thoroughly and realistically test national missile defense Click Here for the votes. The General Accounting Office has said that such testing is required to determine if the system will work. So has the Pentagon’s chief weapons tester. Why have Senators opposed testing? They seem to be afraid that realistic testing will show the deployment to be a sham. The full Senate will have another chance the week of May 17, when Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Jack Reed (D-RI) offer an amendment to require thorough testing of national missile defense. (Click on to learn more about missile defense.) (Click here to contact Members of Congress.)
Great, now we have a faith based military. Dandy.
It joins:
-our faith based foreign policy,
-our faith based jobs programs,
-our faith based homeland security,
-our faith based stem-cell research,
-our faith based environmental policy, and
-our faith based justice department.
You get the idea. Until we get an administration that bases some — any — of its policies on something other than faith, we don’t have a prayer.
You forgot faith based curriculum with Dear Leader thinking creationism should get equal time.
Behold! Faith based foreign policy: