Submissions Accepted: Senate Race

Two types of submissions are now being accepted. For nearly immediate publication any grassroots endorsements of the candidates for Senate will be published assuming it meets reasonable taste and legal standards. So send ’em in. I decided to open it up because, well, why not? The space difference is marginal so let’s hear what you think.

Starting Thursday or Friday I will be publishing mock endorsements. And please, not all of them should be for Oberweis. Special no-prizes given to those who can make an Edelweis parody. Taste isn’t much of an issue here, but no bigotry. So get cracking. I’ll post either through early Monday, and then ArchPundit will go to full time election coverage and keep it pretty sparse on analysis.

All requests for anonymity are honored.

One thought on “Submissions Accepted: Senate Race”
  1. OK – not so much a mock endorsement as a proposal for a new slogan:

    Blair Hull For Senate – She had it coming to her.

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