There are several candidates deserving of spoof endorsements this year. That Collored Fella has an idea for one so I want to see if we can get some more going. So TCF? How about it? The rest of you? Let me know if you want to and then I’ll post or link to it once it is done. I have at least one I’m going to do.

One thought on “Spoof Endorsements”
  1. Oh, alright! (AP=’The Donald’/TCF=The Apprentice)

    Ok, I’m gonna need sometime to emerse myself in the dark side: Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Dennis Miller, Coulter, Ted Nugent and, of course, some choice Dennis Byrne and Krauthammer!

    If it doesn’t cure me of my deviant sexually chosen proclivities first, when should I submit my ode to Jim Oberweis?

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