Someone Slap Joyce with Hardin

It isn’t as if even most conservatives don’t understand the Tragedy of the Commons. Apparently Joyce doesn’t understand that private property rights don’t alway provide incentives to conserve nor do they necessarily protect intergenerational resources.

I defy anyone to find a thesis to the article.

Finally, does anyone actually know anyone who worships GAIA? I certainly don’t and I’ll put money down that my circle of acquaintences and friends is a bit broader than Joyce’s.

6 thoughts on “Someone Slap Joyce with Hardin”
  1. Her Thesis

    — Teaching anyhing with the ‘earth’ as a concept is creaping humanisum (sp?) and therefore invalid and that environmental regulation is the first step to a one world government.

  2. I know people who worship Gaia. A lot of them, in fact.

    I cannot, however, understand how this would be creeping humanism. But, then, I can’t understand how the 9/11 commission let John Asscrack get away with the idiotic Bushism: “I never stopped flying commercial, I just started flying non-commercial.” Even Bush’s: “um, ah, I wish you’d submitted this question in writing so I could have had Rove draw me up an answer beforehand” was better than that.

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