CMS Response: Indeed, in 2004, CMS received the Cronin Gold Award, the
highest award for innovation in state procurement from the National Association of State Procurement Officers. CMS was also recently notified that it has won a national award from the E-Gov Institute, also for its innovative practices in government.
Auditor Comment: Comment 7: In Finding 16, the auditors cite CMS for not filing reports with the General Assembly regarding the status of its reorganizations, as required by the Executive Reorganization ImplementationAct. CMS?argument against Finding 16 is that such reports need not be filed until its reorganizations are in ?full force? and that, to date, none of its reorganizations are in ?full force? or ?executed.? Nevertheless, CMS has managed to file a report with the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) to obtain an award in 2004 for its procurement initiative.