I’ve updated the blogroll adding and moving several blogs. For this post refer to the blogroll for links.
Of note is a relatively new blog by Nathan Bierma. He is a writer for the Chicago Tribune and resides in my favorite city. I’m not sure if he is a Cubs, fan, but two out of three at least is a decent start.
Ted Barlow moves back up to favorite reads with his return and Charles Kuffner joins him. If you think I’d be interested in your blog and should include it shoot me a note. Assuming you aren’t Gordon Baum or Earl Holt and don’t believe in strange conspiracy theories, I’ll probably add you. As far as ‘my policy’, I link to people I read and I think are interesting. In a couple cases I don’t find people interesting, but they are referenced enough, that I feel the need to include them. The ordering is generally how I’m reading people at the time. IOW, more than anything, my blogroll is an organizational tool for me.
Some high quality blogs aren’t in my favorite reads because they tend not to post several times a day or it takes a bit of digesting when I do read them. Perfect examples of this include William Burton and the Bloviator. I consider them excellent reads, but on average William posts about once a day and so once a day does it. Ross at the Bloviator posts incredible posts on a topic I know little about and so I read it once a day when I can take the time to digest the posts.
I also want to thank those who have added me to their blogroll recently including:
Talk Left
Rittenhouse Review
Cooped Up
Off the Kuff
Max Speak
Two Tears in a Bucket
Smythe’s World
David Hogberg (only dropped down due to the hiatus, write and come back to us)
Thoughts on the Eve of the Apocalypse
I hope I haven’t missed anyone.
And of course those who linked earlier in the life of this blog.
Oh, and the best new blog name: The Bitter Shack of Resentment.