It was down last night when I tried to update–if that occurs today, is the back-up, but I doubt I’ll need it.

That said, my apologies to Lindy Scott who I didn’t get any of his interview up. It has taught me a lesson that future interviews will be podcasts with analysis on the blog. It’s just too much for one person to keep up postings and do the transcribing.

Lindy’s interview was great–he’s a different kind of a candidate in a good way. While I expect talking points, he gives thoughtful answers, but easily digestable. Usually academics (speaking as one finishing his training) tend to lose their point, Lindy is very disciplined and a great guy. I hope that if he doesn’t win today, he’ll stay active as his voice is something Democrats desperately need.

Anyway, that means I didn’t get my endorsements done and a bunch of other posts.

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