Sidley & Austin: Dangerous Radical Law Firm

Parody stopped being possible long ago, but the McCain campaign keeps reaching for it…the nations sixth largest law firm employed both Dorhn and Michelle Obama so clearly there is a close connetion.

The McCain campaign is now broadening their attack on Obama’s past association with William Ayers to include Michelle Obama — even though McCain has repeatedly said spouses should be off limits during the campaign.

The attack? Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers’ wife and fellow former Weatherman, went to work in 1984 for the major Chicago-based national law firm of Sidley & Austin, and three years later, Michelle joined the mega-firm as well.

That’s the entire attack. We wish we were joking. But we aren’t.

By this standard at least any law school student at Northwestern is now implicated in being a terrorist sympathizer since 1992.

We’ve descended into Clinton Chronicles land with the McCain campaign–something neither Dole nor Bush did with Clinton.

0 thoughts on “Sidley & Austin: Dangerous Radical Law Firm”
  1. Listen, folks at those small law firms work hand-in-hand all the…


    1800 Lawyers you say?

    500 in Chicago alone?

    Well…it COULD have happened.

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