Lisa Madigan

On November 6, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH talked with Spokesman. ROD
BLAGOJEVICH told Spokesman to leak to a particular columnist for the Chicago Sun-
Times, that Senate Candidate 2 is in the running for the vacant Senate seat. According to
ROD BLAGOJEVICH, by doing this, he wanted “to send a message to the [President-elect’s]
people,” but did not want it known that the message was from ROD BLAGOJEVICH.
Thereafter, ROD BLAGOJEVICH and Spokesman discussed specific language that should
be used in the Sun Times column and arguments as to why Senate Candidate 2 made sense
for the vacant Senate seat. A review of this particular Sun Times column on November 7,
2008, indicates references to the specific language and arguments regarding Senate
Candidate 2 as a potential candidate for the Senate seat, as discussed by ROD
BLAGOJEVICH and Spokesman.

Sen. Madigan?

BYLINE: Michael Sneed, The Chicago Sun-Times

SECTION: NEWS; Michael Sneed; Pg. 5

LENGTH: 569 words


The latest from Blagoville: Is Gov. Rod Blagojevich toying with tossing Barack Obama‘s U.S. Senate seat to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who wants Blago’s job?

– It’s his pick . . . and it would get rid of a rival.

– It may endear him to powerful House Speaker Mike Madigan, Lisa’s dad, who is Blago’s political foe.

– It would enable Gov. Blago to choose a new Illinois attorney general.

– Hmmm: Even though this sounds like looneyville . . . stay tuned.

0 thoughts on “Senate Candidate 2”
  1. Jarret is #1, Madigan is #2, Jan Shakoxsky is #3 (She said she thought she was in a radio interview 12/9/08), Peters is #5 and Rep Jackson is #5. He denies any wrongdoing and, frankly, the Governor seems off his nut enough that he could be dreaming it.

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