Is alive and well in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District where Representative Brad Miller was attacked by Vernon Robinson for not having kids
Soon after winning the GOP primary in the 13th District in May, Robinson mailed literature to more than 400,000 households portraying Miller’s voting record and personal life as being out of the mainstream.
Among many other things, the literature calls Miller a “childless, middle-aged personal injury lawyer.”
Miller said he was “stunned” by the letter.
“I think that should not be part of what you agree to take on if you want to be involved in politics — that kind of personal attack without any basis,” Miller said.
Miller said his wife of nearly 25 years, Esther Hall, could not bear children because she had endometriosis and then a hysterectomy at age 27 before the couple were married.
I believe Robinson sinks to being more despicable than Keyes on this one. I can’t wait for the commercial suggesting Miller shouldn’t be having sex with his wife since they can’t procreate. You’ll notice that Keyes standard was that in principle a woman and a man can procreate so it’s okay if a sterile married couple have sex. In this case, the plumbing was removed so it’s hard to tell how that fits the idea of being in principle.
Clearly, the only choice would have been to let her die of any complications. It’s God’s Will.
…This sort of crapola makes me sick. (And these people consider themselves Americans? Some sense of morals and neighborly values they have there.)
This is what the GOP has devolved to.
Oh for the love of God! What would possess someone?
Wow. May the bastdard rot in hell, then be reincarnated as a woman with endo. See how he likes the “childless” life then, along with the constant pain. Wow.
…Was talking about stuff like this with a friend.
His comment was that it always seems like it’s middle-aged men who have the biggest problems with childless women and abortions … and that maybe they secretly wish they could be a pregnant woman themselves, deep-down in that special effeminate-quasi-man place reserved for the pearl of their womanly fantasyhood within the clammy shell of their oft-self-professed manliness and familyness and truthiness.
Hey, why is Petey L always going to gay bars?
Why was the biggest South Dakota proponent for their myopic, unConstitutional abortion ban discussing his virgin-rape fantasies as a rationale for the only possible exception to such a severe ban? (Not even endometriosos wouldn’t count in Brutal Bill Napoli’s twisted mind, only the rape and sodomy of virgins.)
And why do the biggest gay bashers in the GOP often turn out to be closeted gay men themselves?
PS Greg, these are the people with whom you associate to gain boots on the ground for your economic conservatism…
What would possess someone? Electing more conservatives, the ends justify the means no matter how disgusting in many conservatives’ minds.
You can’t use the religious right for your political goals and then try to disassociate from them when they pull stunts like this.
So a Republican is portraying a Democrat’s personal life as out of the mainstream.
The guy has been married for 25 years. I guess that is out of the mainstream — for a Republican.
NW Burbs, it?s kind of hard to ?die of any complications? when you can?t conceive in the first place, isn?t it. If you want to whack at a strawman, make sure it is at least medically accurate.
Now, I am not going to condone Miller?s line of attack here, but I would like to see more context before I determine to what extent it should be condemned. I mean, from what I can tell, it isn?t necessarily a categorical denunciation of people without children ? the conclusion that so many of you have jumped to without proper substantiation. It may very well have part of an admittedly glib and inappropriate- yet at least less randomly offensive – remark along the lines of ?he wants to tell you how to raise your kids when he doesn?t have any himself.? Of course, I may be wrong. But I?d certainly like to see the entire mailing, and not just have one uncited passage quoting 6 words from it before I make any determination about whose level Miller has or has not sunk below, or whether or not he should rot in hell.
My apologies. Obviously, I meant “Robinson” in both places where I said “Miller.”
Sorry for any confusion
G.O.P. – my earlier comments were regarding the general attitudes of hard-line anti-choice conservatives who would rather see women die during pregnancy than allow medically necessary abortions. Witness South Dakota’s angry conservative legislature and the governor who signed the abortion ban into law (now usurped by the very people of South Dakota with their referendum petitions to repeal the ban — how dare the people tell their elected officials what to do).
According to hard-line conservatives (perhaps you are not this extreme) even if she had endometriosis she and her husband should have attempted to conceive and bear children because of the Lord’s command to be fruitful and multiply… Have you ever heard of internal bleeding?
For the record, yes, Vernon Robinson is that far out there. He has even been this bad against primary opponents in his own party.
I do the work of finding a link so you don’t have to…
And more work…
Still more…
Oh heck, here’s a whole bunch o’ links for you to learn more about Mr. Robinson’s questionable ethics during campaigns.
Thanks for the links. I certaintly can’t defend this guy….he is a bit too far out there for my tastes, to say the least.
In regards to your strawman, I had assumed the antocedent of “her” was Mrs. Miller, and thus was not a general commentary on the extreme anti-abortion conservatives (especially since abortion was not even mentioned in the original post) but was rather being offered as a serious counter to Robinson’s attack. It is my mistake, I suppose.
G.O.P. —
Not your mistake so no supposition needed — you simply weren’t aware of the far-right-extremism involved here.
For extremists like Robinson, the uterus is all the same: its sole function is to make babies. So, whether it’s a hysterectomy due to endometriosis, abortion or even a condom, anything that disrupts the making of babies is a bad thing (hence his original comments that the couple doesn’t have babies, and my more general response about the extremist perspective involved).
If you’re going to continue to ally yourself with people like Robinson you should really read up more about them. The lazy press rarely covers their extremism so you’ll have to dig.
(Take, for instance, the extreme measures one Nebraska Republican wants to take in her hometown to slash the budget or of course Illinois’ own Leslie Pinney wanting to ban books by removing them from reading lists… to the chagrin of the majority of the citizens they now represent. Here, the press is starting to scratch the surface but is hardly asking any follow-up questions. The press usually isn’t biased — somewhere in the chain of command they got lazy, whether it’s the reporter, editor or publisher….)