Why Henry Kissinger is allowed out to scare small children is beyond me, but the Secret Plan discussion with Obama is just hysterical:

“I am convinced, but I cannot base it on any necessary evidence right now,” Kissinger told the senators, “that the president will want to move toward a bipartisan consensus” to stabilize Iraq through diplomacy.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was suspicious of such assurances. “Is there any place that you’re familiar with where the administration has articulated this strategy?” he asked.

“I don’t know any place where the administration has articulated this particular strategy,” the octogenarian diplomat admitted. But he added: “From my acquaintances with some of the people, I think it is possible that they will come to this strategy.”

Obama asked Kissinger if “you are suggesting that they have some secret strategy that we have not been made privy to.”

“I would be disappointed and surprised,” he reiterated, “if they did not accept some of the elements of what has been discussed here.”

The world goes beyond parody.

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