Scott Kennedy Breaks Down the Early Voting Numbers

Too hard to excerpt, so go take a look.

One thing we do know is that African-American voters are less likely voters on average and yet we are hearing of huge numbers of early African-American voters.

0 thoughts on “Scott Kennedy Breaks Down the Early Voting Numbers”
  1. Um, not really, no. African-Americans made up 11% of the electorate based on the 2004 exit poll. They account for 12.8% of the population. If you control for things like education, urban/rural residence, and the higher likelihood that black men are disenfranchised as ex-convicts, they’re slightly more likely to vote.

    GMU has a nice site you can use to track this:

    I really have no way of interpreting these figures, because i have no idea how to figure out if they’re just moving election-day voters forwrad or getting new voters.

  2. Did early voting on Saturday. There were a ton of people waiting in line.

    I really wonder if anyone’s going to be left to vote on 11/4.

  3. I’m a purist- Election Day is like patriotic Christmas for me. There are few things that make me as happy as voting. I don’t unwrap my presents until after breakfast on Christmas Day, I don’t vote until Election Day.

    And just like Christmas, sometimes I don’t get what I want, sometimes the present that seems great turns out bad, and sometimes I get something great.

    So that’s 1 vote that will be cast 11/4

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