Not to be outdone by the National Park Service, we must remember that the Department of Health and Human Services has an appointee who is in charge of family planning, but opposed to contraception. He also refers to premarital sex as modern germ warfare and thinks that it leads to people not being able to form bonds in later relationships despite no evidence involving humans.
Planned Parenthood is trying to get his guy removed and is announcing a new initiative:
In paid print and online advertisements, PPFA has demanded that Keroack be replaced by a qualified health care professional to oversee Title X. In addition, PPFA has outlined priorities for the 110th Congress that focus on promoting commonsense health care policies like the protection and funding of Title X, expanded access to prevention services through Medicaid, and protecting teens through medically accurate sex education. The January 4, 2007, edition of Roll Call will include PPFA’s print advertisement, and online ads will run on and blogs including,,, and
Planned Parenthood supporters will wear buttons to events on Capitol Hill during the week of January 2, 2007, calling for “Health Care Facts, Not Keroack.” The campaign is aimed at raising awareness among new and returning members of Congress and their staff to the threats to women’s health posed by Keroack’s appointment, and the urgent need for prevention-first legislation that protects women’s health.
“The Bush administration’s approach to health care has given this Congress the perfect example of what not to do. Americans want commonsense policies that put women and families first,” added Richards. “Keroack should be replaced immediately with a respected reproductive health expert who recognizes family planning is good medicine.”
Of course, some would compare premarital sex to slavery.
I’m not really sure why America has been plagued with this level of idiocy, but the karmic payback is a bitch.