Ryan Allegations with Response

For now Rich Miller has put them up on his site: Capitolfax.com

12 thoughts on “Ryan Allegations with Response”
  1. Ok- let me say this. If true, it would certainly explain why Jeri Ryan has been quiet, and even why her dad was recently quoted defending Jack. I can’t imagine she ever sat down and said “by the was dad, part of the reason I left Jack was because he used to take me to sex clubs.”

    I genuinely hope this isn’t true– if for no other reason, I have tremendous sympathy for the nine year old kid here. I have a hard enough time thinking of my own parents having sex, without having to know that they did it like this.

  2. One side effect of this is that this is good for Obama.

    Because this will be THE story until the primary, it is unlikely that any of the other Democratic candidates will be able to get the traction in the press necessary to overtake him.

  3. Its pretty Scurrilous but I’m still waiting for facts and this still sit’s pretty firmly in the hearsay department.

  4. I’ve gotta agree this is good for obama (I guess you can’t be suprised). I was almost going to make the snide remark (and I guess I am making so here it goes) that this is an issue that requires quite a bit of looking into so I suggest it simply be left as a lingering rumor until, oh, say next wednesday 🙂

  5. I’ve gotta agree this is good for obama (I guess you can’t be suprised). I was almost going to make the snide remark (and I guess I am making so here it goes) that this is an issue that requires quite a bit of looking into so I suggest it simply be left as a lingering rumor until, oh, say next wednesday 🙂

  6. For both Ryan and Hull this is nothing more than the politics of personal destruction. O, how we all thought it an injsutice when those ugly republicans went after Clinton. Hypocrites, all!

  7. No. In one case there was a credible concern over domestic violence. In this case, we either have a story of rape or a story of a campaign planting a malicious story.

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