First, let me be very clear, we don’t know why the business partner is trying to close them. Certainly the rumors from the National Enquirer are pointing one way, but it could as well be business dealings or something of that sort.

Second, let’s not go overboard in comments making claims that aren’t public.

Third–isn’t comparing it to Jack! sort of putting it out there? Yeah.  I admit that, but at the same time I am fully aware that it could be nothing and want to make that clear.  However, the timing is certainly worth discussing and any discussion would have to include the Ryan situation.

So don’t go too far in comments and the such.

0 thoughts on “Rules for Discussion”
  1. At this point, I actually think it’ll end up being true and will be spun as another “regular family with regular problems” deal. Mark my words.

  2. I hate to say this because I would LOVE to see otherwise but If I were the guy, even if my divorce wasn’t due to an affair with Palin i would want my records sealed just because not doing so would certainly mean the whole world knowing my business.

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