Roland Your Reputation Up

Classy last act Roland.  No one is going to seat you and you just enabled one desperate asshole to get some attention. 

I mean everyone thought no one in Illinois would ever accept such an appointment–other than those of us who know Illinois politics. 

0 thoughts on “Roland Your Reputation Up”
  1. Before we get too excited about this let us examine the situation. Secretary of State White says he will not certify the appointment. What is his legal authority to do so? The U.S. Senate says they will not honor the appointment. What is their legal authority to decline to do so?

    The lawless Governor performs a lawful act and is met by two lawless responses.

    All of this could have been avoided had the legislature instead of taking a sabbatical on their job, pushed forward with impeachment.

  2. Ding, Ding, Ding. Or even passed special election legislation. Maybe Rod wouldn’t have signed, but I’d say we found ourselves in at least one hell of a court fight.

  3. The more I think about this the angrier I get. Under the law Blago must pick a date for a special election to fill the Emanuel seat. Will state officials follow his directive on that decision. If so why is that different than the Senate selection?

    I am starting to feel like Howard Beale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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