Roeser Lost His Mind a Long Time Ago

Roeser is trying to get the GOP to put resources into Illinois with a wishful thinking essay that says Bush can be competitive.

Let’s just start with the polls. Bush is down by between 10-14 points in Illinois. Nationally he is in essentially a dead heat with Kerry. What possible sense does it make to go after Illinois or California? None. If he were to carry Illinois, it would be because he won in a landslide. This isn’t likely to be a landside election, but even if it were, one would still concentrate upon likely swing states and take the rest as gravy. But by all means spend the money in Illinois. Please. My TV is already spewing Bush/Kerry commercials and I’m damn tired of it.

3 thoughts on “Roeser Lost His Mind a Long Time Ago”
  1. Pour that money into Illinois, come on, we can take it. Dollars spent here are dollars that won’t be spent in Wisconsin or Michigan or Ohio. Ooops… did I give the secret away?

  2. The only landslide there’s likely to be is one AGAINST Bush and the GOP. The mess they’ve made of Iraq is unfortunately reaching the level of “catastrophe”–and even a pliant media and nodding-head GOP legislators are starting to head for the lifeboats of the sinking S.S. Bush.

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