Republicans Slightly More Crazy than Democrats..

42 % of Republicans think Obama was not born in the United States

25 % of Dems are true Truthers thinking Bush actively allowed 9-11 to get the United States in a Middle East war.


19 % of Republicans think Obama is the Anti-Christ

14 % of Democrats think Bush is.


I discount the last question because some people may just answer as a flip question, but the first two numbers are staggering.  It’s common for voters to be poorly informed, it’s not as common for such widespread conspiracy theories to be accepted.

0 thoughts on “Republicans Slightly More Crazy than Democrats..”
  1. C’mon Larry. That’s comparing apples to oranges. Republican think that the Anti-Christ is a biblical figure that will come at the end times. Democrats think that the Anti-Christ is someone that behaves in a manner that Christ would not.

  2. And questions about Obama’s birth origins have been completely disproven, while Bush’s exploitation of 9/11 to invade Iraq is pretty much a well documented fact.

    Hitler didn’t have to burn down the Reichstag, he just needed it to burn.

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