Republican micro-targeting

As Larry points out, there was nothing new in Bush’s Iraq speech last night, and so I certainly don’t have anything new to say about it, but I couldn’t help but notice one thing.

In the 2000 campaign, Bush ran as a “uniter” and at least claimed to be trying to appeal to all Americans.

By 2004, he’d completely alienated about 45% of the country and was left with a campaign structured around Republicans, religious conservatives, and middle-class or upper-middle-class independents in the suburbs and exurbs.

Sometime in 2005, he lost independents, which was why their 2006 campaign was a desperate attempt to turn out the Republican base.

They lost in no small part because the Republican base itself has waned as the administration’s mismanagements grew more obvious.

But, finally, last night, we reached a whole new plane. The President gave a speech aimed directly at Republican members of Congress, knowing that there was pretty much nobody else he could possibly convince. In other words, in the space of 7 years, he’s gone from an audience of over 251,000,000 people to an audience of 251.

And, from the looks of it, even that’s a tough sell.

It’s the incredible shrinking constituency.

9 thoughts on “Republican micro-targeting”

    © 2007 Mark Robert Gates

    We all know how this works, we send in our operative, with an agreement, if caught we in America will deny all knowledge of this person having any existence. In Iraq, and given today’s Iraq policy, it is time we “We American’s” fall back on this, plausible deniabilty, as, there is still time and, as, there is still a possibility of maintaining, America’s pristine, war image, by denying any involvement, by those past operative’s now caught, in Iraqi war failure’s, and involved in our current Ameri-government affairs. So, lets get our stories’ straight and make sure we do not spill our guts, in a mistaken fear of loss, of our credible use of plausible deniability. Please, fill out your, Plausible Deniabiltiy Sweepstakes, entry, and send it in today, “We” could be America’s next big winner.

    We simply, all deny together, there is anyone, we know of, named, George W. Bush, who ever was, or who is now, an American president.

    -Mark Robert Gates

    please my blogs:

  2. We are weaker because of the Iraq war! (The war based on lies.)

    Since Bush stole the office. George W Bush has turned our country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted nation at war.

    Since September 11, the Bush Administration has repeatedly exploited the threat of terrorism for political ends, from dirty bombs to sleeper cells to electoral politics.

  3. Whew, Larry…it’s getting a little unhinged over here.

    And actually, there are some new twists in the tactics being employed in Bagdhad and in the West. Time will tell if it is enough…

  4. Help get this right-wing fool thrown off the air!!!

    Didn’t CNN get the message from the last election….that the American public has rejected the right-wing extremist agenda?
    Why is CNN giving prime-time every night to the ultra-right-wing extremist, Glenn Beck?

    Please take just 10 seconds to click on this link and send a message to CNN telling them we don’t want the airwaves innundated by this idiotic
    low-grade right-wing propaganda!


    Contrary to what George W. Bush, claims, our’ Congress’ can take the war in Iraq, and any further warfare away from him, and it is in fact our’ responsibilty, as Americans, to do so. As, George W. Bush’ and company, are presently the persons, really running a war by committee, as just because, you call it, a cabinet, instead of a committee, does not mean it is not still, as it is yet: a group called a committee, of which, attempts to run a war, on information, not gathered, by themselves, on a battlefield.

    From, now on we need to let our’ Congresss’ give any warfare needs directly to our’ military to handle, as they see fit, directly, at the source: the battlefield.

    Also, we need to do this, giving the military, the warfare issue in Iraq, as we need to end this left-right, up-down, in-out, black-white, wrong-right and liberal-conservative divide, in our’ Congress’. As, there are a million things needing handling, here at home, going unattended, whilst’ those in our’ Congress’ argue politics, instead of governing their territories, and metting the needs of thier contituency. Trying to straddle this divide and cover only extreme left-right positions, leaves all middle ground open, as if it does not exist. By, keeping political debate focused only on these extreme left-right positions, in debate, these pseudo-Christian, lame-duck, right wing conspiracy, Bush’ league people keep any needs, and wants, of all people from being met. Remove, the illusionist’s veil from your’ eyes, and take notice, we are a country, of a lot of people, and there is a lot going on, we need to deal with as a whole, you, me and they, and our’ entire government and Congress, need to take back the land, so we Americans, can once again live off of our’ own land.

    We’ need to make sure, as many American’s, as possible, no longer face a tomorrow, as they do today, as, involuntary crime victims, not just as involuntary terror victims. It is, successfully, argueable, all crime is a terror attack, no matter how much more fun being Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, seems, compared, to fighting on foreign soil, as like, was done is, Iwo Jima. I no longer watch movies that glorify and romanticize crime, as having done the crime, and done the time, I tell those still thinking Butch is a fun guy, “You are wrong! I met him, in jail, and trust me Butch, is not a fun guy, and neither is commiting crime and doing time.”

    Copyright 2007, Mark Robert Gates

    please my blogs:

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