How do you rebut anything that didn’t address the actual articles of impeachment?

0 thoughts on “Rebuttal”
  1. But he did appeal to the “guys” in the Senate and the “folks” of Illinois. he also repeated the many lies about the process that he has been saying for days. It was the final thumb in the eye of the people of Illinois.

    Good-bye Rod as you pointed out we did elect you twice, the first time with high hopes, the next time for reasons no one can fathom.

    That second election says more about us than it does you.

    Good luck, start reading those Federal Sentencing Guidelines!

  2. LOL–I had to go back and reread what I was saying in 2006 to make sure I had clear eyes–I did. I was saying he will be indicted by the end of his term.

    Judy has all sorts of problems and ran a horrible campaign, but I’m still baffled that she did so poorly.

  3. I agree, it was probably a combination of Obama leading the ticket, residual bitterness over George Ryan and general partisanship. I think a lot of Democrats were just not ready to turn the Governor’s mansion back to the Republicans. Having Joe Birkett on the ticket was also not a good idea.

  4. You mean Judy friend of vrdolyak/cellini’s loan officer Topinka. I can’t imagine why a latter-day heir of the Capone mob couldn’t pull off running a campaign as a clean-hands reformer ready to save the state from Blagojevich.

    The real question isn’t there. It’s why Eisendrath put his name on the ballot and then hardly bothered to campaign. He got about 30% without doing a thing.

    God, how I wish Vallas had won the ’02 primary.

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