Reader Contest: Predict the Results

So I’m going to use the same rules as Eric Zorn is going to use for bloggers:

Post your election predictions comments or send me an e-mail at SUBJECT: Predictions

HOW TO PLAY: Predict the percentage, to the nearest whole number, that all 15 candidates in Republican and Democratic primaries will receive. Please list the candidates by party and in order of finish. For a tie-breaker, also predict the voter turnout in Illinois.

SCORING: You will lose one point for each percentage point by which you miss the actual percentage of the vote won by the candidate (for example, if you predict John Borling will get 3 percent and he gets 5 percent, you will lost two points). Failure to predict the correct winner will cost you an additional 15 points.

ELIGIBILITY: Read ArchPundit and not a blogger in the Eric Zorn Contest.

HOW TO ENTER: E-mail me or post in comments your predictions by midnight Monday, March 15th central time.

Prize: A giant no prize! But you get bragging rights.

5 thoughts on “Reader Contest: Predict the Results”
  1. Obama 34%
    Hynes 28%
    Hull 18%
    Chico 9%
    Pappas 9%
    Washington 1%
    Skinner 1%

    Ryan 37%
    Oberweis 25%
    Rauschenberger 18%
    McKenna 14%
    Borling 4%
    Wright 1%
    Kathuria 1%

    Turnout 30%

  2. Dems:

    Obama – 41%
    Hynes – 26%
    Hull – 17%
    Pappas – 9%
    Chico – 5%
    Washington – 1%
    Skinner – 1%


    Ryan – 35%
    Oberweis – 25%
    Rauschenberger – 23%
    McKenna – 12%
    Borling – 3%
    Wright – 1%
    Kathuria – 1%
    Hill – 0%

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