Rauschenberger’s Not Normal

And that is probably a good thing. He wants a series of debates against Barack Obama.

Rauschenberger is a smart guy and that would be a good debate. For a variety of reasons, it probably doesn’t help Obama and so it won’t happen. Instead we’ll probably see a bunch of priviliged nitwits debate Rauschenberger in a very tight format that sheds no light on just how vacuous most of the Republican candidates are.

An interesting end note to the article is Rauschenberger’s comments on trade,

As a U.S. senator, Rauschenberger would lobby the White House for fairer trade. The quid pro quo for free trade is that everybody does better when lanes are open, he says, but we are now confronted by ”central governments like China, where they control currency valuation.” That is not a free market system, he says. ”It’s costing good Illinois jobs, and we’ve had too much of it.”

Its also good for consumers, but what the hell. China will open its markets when it has to and the way to do that is be open as possible to them.

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