Proudly Attending Yearly Kos

Bill Foster

A few days ago, a right-wing talking head known for his tendency to misrepresent, distort and outright mangle the truth for his own personal gain attacked a group of people who are organizing for a cause. They are discussing how to grow a progressive movement that is trying desperately to put this country back on track. Extremists and demagogues across the country will join him in trying to shout down anyone attending this movement-driven convention.

I am proud to say that I will be attending the Yearly Kos Convention, listening to their ideas, sharing some of my own and talking about how progressives can change this country.

I’m Bill Foster, a businessman, scientist and Democrat running for Congress to change Washington. I’m proud to attend Yearly Kos and I’d be proud to have you join me in showing your pride.

2 thoughts on “Proudly Attending Yearly Kos”
  1. I don’t think he’ll be going there on Jet Blue….

    For the record I take no issue with the Kos Kids getting together and… well doing whatever it is that they do. BTW if there is a pool here I want 6*

    I do find it a bit funny though no more (or less) than the Shriners or Jay Cee’s or such.

    * a pool for how many times Bush is burned in effigy

  2. I’d be surprised if any of the candidates running for Democratic offices are not there at this point. All the presidential contenders are there, so that’s plenty of cover.

    Also, tsquare, you need to read the demographics on “Kos Kids” as the median age of dKos readers definately isn’t a kid.

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