Remember everyone, Alan Keyes is hosting a Party for the President tonight at the Chicago Hilton

It seems like a strange event for Keyes given his past work making sure to say,

I Am Not A Bush Republican

Because, you know that Bush guy is sort of a leftist

Instead of the promised attempt to rein in government domination of education, we have an education bill that ramps-up federal funding, increases federal control, and was cooperatively stripped of all elements of support for genuine school choice and local control.

By aggressively defending racial preferences before the Supreme Court, the administration has directly betrayed those of its supporters who naively trusted it to pursue the unifying goal of a color blind nation.

Unlike the urgency and vigor of President Reagan’s program to renew the morale and strength of our military, President Bush’s program so far seems content to consolidate the disastrous cutbacks of the Clinton years.

Even when a correct step is taken, the administration seems incapable of giving, or unwilling to give, a principled and satisfactory reason. Thus, the decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol against supposed global warming caused by “greenhouse gases” was made for the sake of the economy ? as though a genuine threat of cataclysmic environmental destruction could be ignored for the sake of our pocketbook! Instead of clear and forceful assertions that the United States will not be intimidated by the latest junk-science propaganda of the hysterical, globalist, Luddite anti-liberty left, the administration says, in effect, “We can’t save the world ? it would cost too much.”

And more fun

I’ve been watching closely, and I have not seen a single serious Bush administration initiative that corresponds in reality to the agenda of liberty and of conservative principles. And meanwhile, the most successful policy of all seems to be the unrelenting GOP establishment campaign to suppress criticism of Bush administration policies by anyone trying to speak for the moral conservative voters who, by voting against Al Gore, allowed Mr. Bush to squeak into office despite losing the popular vote

4 thoughts on “Party for the President”
  1. And he’s supposed to talk to some nurses at North Park University today too, but don’t see it on the schedule. Wonder what he can say to them….

    A few events on the schedule are more or less in my neighborhood. Might be fun to stroll by.

  2. Perhaps he will say…

    Don’t forget to tell your patients the only use for the naughty bits is child creation and don’t enjoy using them for that anyway.

  3. Why the Chicago Hilton? Isn’t Paris a “Selfish Hedonist?”

    If the Keyes campaign were any more of a disaster, they would have to evacuate places when announcing he was coming to town.

  4. After ranting for about 15 minutes against gay people, the woman introducing Keyes called his candidacy “a finger in the dyke of decadence.” The double meaning, as far as I can tell was completely unintentional and completely hilarious, at least to me. The actual republicans in the room were too wrapped up in their hate-fest to notice, perhaps.

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