The Freepers haven’t let me

The Freepers haven’t let me down. One of the more amusing comments claims our cars cost 10 times as much and our air conditioners don’t work as well. The first claim is absurd and the second is empirically false–they actually work better, though that has little to do with CFCs being banned.

Will Cal Thomas or Mona Charen make my prediction come true for the major media? I’m betting so….

When not whining about Democrats

When not whining about Democrats and Howell Raines, Kaus does some good stuff. If correct, this is the scoop of the day.

The problem with the analysis is that Davis is so incredibly obsessive he probably has 13 interest groups ready with attack ads against Arnold and Riordan. I doubt Arnold can hold up to the ugliness. Riordan is a different deal and here in Misserah, he’d be a liberal commie pinko along with Rudy Guiliani. So I’d be all for Riordan taking on the blowhards. The problem is with the mediocre race he ran in the primary, it is unclear Riordan want to be governor.