Rifkin on Alt Energy Jeremy

Rifkin on Alt Energy

Jeremy Rifkin was on Diane Rehm today (fortunately he talked a lot so she couldn’t). He is also interviewed in Salon today and has some very intelligent things to say about hydrogen power. For those who haven’t been following this issue, it is a good primer.

He brings up BP/Amocos efforts which is an interesting point. Non-American companies are investing in the future, American are trying to drill in delicate ecosystems. Just who is going to do better in the long run?

Dershowitz and Summers on Israel

Dershowitz and Summers on Israel

Dershowitz writes for the Harvard Crimson today and hits a
home run
. I hadn’t commented on Larry Summer’s speech concerning anti-semitism at Harvard.

It was excellent. Taking Israel to task for its abuses is the right thing to do. I think as a special friend of the United States we should give them special attention when they don’t live up to their ideals, just as we should give ourselves special attention when we don’t live up to our ideals. However, putting those abuses in context is critical. Israel is a democracy that respects humans as individuals. It isn’t perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than any of its neighbors–even the moderate neighbors such as Jordan. Failure to distinguish between the relative levels of oppression is nothing short of stupid.

Perhaps there is another explanation besides anti-semitism, but it is pretty damn hard to imagine what. Suggesting a university should disinvest from Israel before other countries is absurd and I find Dershowitz’s idea quite good. Invest relative to their human rights record and that is fair. Then see how Arab governments come across in comparison. Arabs and Muslims are good people who are saddled with horrible governments for the most part. Comparing those governments to the Israeli government is absurd though.

Mediscare might be accurate It

Mediscare might be accurate

It is bloody obvious that the administration would like to cut health care costs down. Their announcement to cut back on outreach for Veteran’s Affairs Hospitals made that very clear.

However, this story from the NY Times (via Conason) is amazing. The administration must be counting on the war to distract people because this isn’t just grabbing the third rail, it is jumping on it and hugging it. Especially, when your brother is in a tough fight where seniors are the swing voters.

Democrats don’t need much help with running a Mediscare campaign. The above makes one question whether it is even an attempt to scare recipients or an accurate description of the administration’s plan.