That should be former Pentagon

That should be former Pentagon Adviser

Perle goes out on a limb that should collapse underneath him. This is inexcusable garbage towards one of our closest allies. Clinton didn’t even go this far when he inappropriately supported Labor over Likud in Israel. Either Perle is “off the reservation” and needs to be severed from the administration or the administration needs to get a grip. For an administration that prides itself on discipline this is assinine.

Via Eschaton

Dick Devine Makes a Decent

Dick Devine Makes a Decent Case

Showing up for a rare guest appearance in my hometown paper, Dick Devine makes a reasonable case. Archpundit is against the death penalty on religious grounds. I understand good people disagree, and Dick Devine is good people. Because of that, I think he is right about clemency hearings. Mass clemency is a bad idea because it subverts the law and it will produce a backlash against any meaningful reform. Commutations ought to go through a process.

The problem is Blago and J-Ry, well let’s be honest about who matters–Blago, has shown no committment to serious death penalty reform. Devine could have solved this problem by running for governor. Unfortunately he bowed out even though Costello promised him Southern Illinois.

Title IX Primer One of

Title IX Primer

One of the funniest things I have ever seen took place after the US Women’s Soccer Team won the Gold. Trent Lott was on Meet the Press and brought it up as a last second issue and asked Lott if that wasn’t a good example of how Title IX’s success. Lott agreed, and then got a stunned look on his face realizing he had just probably offended a significant number of Ole Miss alums with this statement.

Anyway, Lynn Sanders has a great primer on the true significance of Title IX. A good read.