If only it had a

If only it had a better name

&c, or the artist formerly known as Noam Schreiber, points out the situtation in New Jersey is highly unlikely to cause a flood of replacement candidates. Amen.

Some other points being made around the net include the Mitt Romney and Katherine Harris situations as well as Bigtime’s Texas residence.

For both sides the statements of gloom and doom over the replacement is very overplaced. Voters just don’t care that much. The people who do already had their minds made up.

The bottom line is the State of New Jersey has a reasonably competitive election.

And, ummmm…to be disenfranchised you have to not be allowed to vote—nothing indicates military voters won’t be allowed to vote.

I’ll put my dollars down

I’ll put my dollars down that they are just good ‘ole American fruitcakes

Instapundit has his panties in a wad because he thinks some random shootings are by al Qaeda. My favorite comment is by his buddy:

I guess there’s one more thing that makes it worth speculating about a terrorist angle – the Post report you cite omits any, even fragmentary description of the killers. The Post has a tendency to do that when they’re afraid such descriptions will inspire what they think of as retrograde reactions.

Newspapers do that when they don’t know much either. Not reporting erroneous information is generally better. The relationship to whether this is terrorism and the race of the perps seems rather strange anyway given our history with Tim McVeigh.

Not Surprisingly The New Jersey

Not Surprisingly

The New Jersey Supreme Court just sided with the Democratic Party and ordered Toricelli replaced with Lautenberg. The decision is here.

Overseas and military ballots are given precedence and the Dems have to pay. The decision was 7-0 so I imagine this is inline with how the New Jersey Courts have dealt with similar situations in the past.

Republicans are claiming they will take this to the Federal Courts, but it is hard to imagine what the Federal Courts would be asked to decide. For the life of my I can’t figure out what federal question is involved. I don’t see any due process or equal protection claims of any substance.