Ouch–Cattle Call Comment Period

Okay, after installing a new audio system in the new car, I came down with some sort of flu like thing that kept me out yesterday. How out have I been? I didn’t know George Kennan had died. More on that later.

But most important to those who read the blog–Consider this a Cattle Call for the GOP Governor’s nomination to be posted later today. This was supposed to be done yesterday, but I was unable to post it. We are one year out from the election–so drop you comments.

5 thoughts on “Ouch–Cattle Call Comment Period”
  1. A very staunch conservative friend of mine said that the ILGOP will never get on its feet as long as the Religious Right remains a power player in the state party.
    Not sure who he was referring to, in the context of the gov.’s race, but the fact that he was so frustrated yet candid about it made me gloat silently all afternoon.

  2. I hear:

    Bill Brady
    Ray LaHood
    Judy Barr-Topinka
    Ron Gidwitz
    Steve Raushenberger
    Jim Oberweiss
    Joe Birkett

    Of those, only LaHood and maybe Topinka have any shot at G-Rod, everyone else is just blowing smoke. The only danger for them would be a bloddy primary that makes them unable to win.

  3. Danger? Danger? If the nominee is either Topinka or LaHood, there’ll be a GOP civil war through the primary that’ll make Gettysburg look like a spat!

    Which is unfortunate because I like Topinka and Blagojevich has not grown on me.

  4. God – our country has just lost a great man. I wrote a 15 pager on Kennan my sophomore year of high school – and I enjoyed it. What an outstanding example of how diplomacy should be conducted – with grace, determination, and steadfast resolve.

  5. GOP nominee? ain’t nothing to see …

    But Lisa Madigan’s gonna give GovRod a run. It’ll be the primary that determines the 2006 result.

    Meanwhile (OT), anybody got a rundown on Rep. Shimkus’ plans (re: surgery, future)?

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