Open Thread–not 6th CD Related

Tell me what’s going on out there….

(this is stuck at the top so go down for other new material)

5 thoughts on “Open Thread–not 6th CD Related”
  1. Wonder why a thread on the NC 6th congressional district has risen to the top and won’t let go?

    Ill 6th?

    Oh, Well…. Take a look at my district. If no one else, I think I’ve got a winner.

    Thanks again
    Rory Blake
    Democratic nominee

  2. I think John Sullivan is going to win the race for Congress in IL-03. Indeed, I think this is one of the most significant races happening at the moment.

    You have a vast universe of corruption on the one hand and then you have John Sullivan on the other. What we told people when we were canvassing in the 19th Ward over the weekend, is that John Sullivan is an Asst. States Attorney in the Gang Crimes unit and he’s pissed off at the way Lipinski got into office. He’s not afraid to take on the whole corrupt organization — if that’s what it’ll take to clean up the district.

    People admire him for that — and they’ll go out of their way to vote for him on Tuesday.

  3. Wish I could agree with you Leo, but I think the Lipinski forces have successfully fixed this one. In fact, my fear is Sullivan will finish 3rd.

    But come Wednesday morning, we’ll have one thing to hang are hat on: Dan Lipinski still will not have won a legit election.

    Hopefully, whatever progressive political network exists in the 3rd CD will get to work soon on identifying a solid candidate to run in ’08. Nothing against Sullivan, he’s a good guy, but he’s completely unknown.

    I’m not sure who the right candidate is, but if you’re going to beat a name like Lipinski on the southwest side you need a higher profile candidate.

  4. Well, it ain’t over till it’s over. We’re getting no reliable information on how the district is trending one way or another.

    One great effect of an election is that is puts these question to rest (I mean usually). Sullivan’s got an enormous amount of backing from some influential organizations — organizations that are contacting their members on his behalf.

    After 2004, I said I’d never firmly believe in an outcome one way or another but there’s still reason either to be optimistic or simply agnostic. And for the moment, that’s good enough.

  5. Any thoughts on the race in the 10th?

    Really wish wig guy was in one of the races this time, tho is fun watching the repugs slug it out over that lubrul gal, Judy Judy Judy. May the weakest man win, and let it snow.

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