Open Meetings Law, errr..enforced

Being a bit behind, I haven’t had time to link to Lisa Madigan’s shocking enforcement of the open meetings law.

Within the past week, both Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County State’s Attorney Richard Devine have told the CTA board it violated the Illinois Open Meetings Act on Aug. 6.

Apparently she was serious,

Madigan, the daughter of state Democratic Party chief and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, fired the first shot across the CTA’s bow.

She announced last week that attorneys for her office had told the CTA board to either void the pension fund hikes or she would file a lawsuit to nullify its Aug. 6 action.

I asked Sean Denny, a former assistant Illinois attorney general, who for nearly two decades was in charge of enforcing the Open Meetings Act, if he could ever recall the attorney general filing a lawsuit against Chicago or one of its agencies.

His answer was, "No."

Lisa Madigan ran for the office of attorney general vowing to aggressively enforce the state’s sunshine laws, and eight months into her first term she’s been good to her word.

Who knew?

Kudes to Dick Devine too…

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