Gets another glowing press treatment from EJ Dionne.
One of many reasons he resonates with so many:
The numbers story can distract from the larger story Democrats need to tell. “Instead of having a set of policies that are equipping people for the globalization of the economy,” he says, “we have policies that are accelerating the most destructive trends of the global economy.”
The hint taken from the Washington Times
There are several philosophy’s behind the possible pick of a replacement for ryan:
1) Pick a heavyweight so it doesnt look like you are throwing in the towel – possibilities: edgar, Baar-Topinka, Thompson.
2) Pick one of the other Republican Challengers so it looks like you are giving a nod to the republican electorate – possibilities: Uberweiss (my name for him), McKenna, Rauschenberger.
3) Pick an up and coming GOPer who deserves a promotion: Possibilities – Corrine Wood, ?
Or… and this I had not thought of, if you want to be REALLY evil.
4) Pick someone whose candidacy would set back the investigation into a major republican scandal for months:
“Names being floated include U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald, no relation to the retiring senator…”
To those who don’t know Fitgerald is the U.S. Attorney doing the investigation into the Plame investigation