[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/_DA-M_OzB6Y" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Someone thought that was a good idea?

6 thoughts on “Oh My!”
  1. The thing that jumped out at me most was the $4 a gallon gas.

    I remember the last time we had a Democrat in the White House. I remember paying $0.89 for a gallon of gas in Savoy, IL (where the big movie theater is just outside of Champaign) circa 1998.

    Now, only 9 years later, I spent $3.15 on a gallon of gas.

    Do the republicans really want to talk about gas prices as an electoral strategy? I remember USA Today getting the vapors about deflation due to gas (and RAM) being so cheap…

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