Is this law and order breaking out?

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFP) – A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus near Mosul on Tuesday, killing nine passengers near Iraq’s main northern city which is regarded as an Al-Qaeda stronghold, a security official said.

In another brazen daylight attack, a group of armed men kidnapped 21 male passengers travelling in two minibuses in the restive province of Diyala, northeast of Baghdad, police said.

The suicide attack on the bus near Mosul came after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki promised a “decisive battle” against Al-Qaeda fighters in the area last month.

A major crackdown in the Baghdad region in which US troop reinforcements have joined Iraqi forces has led to a sharply reduced militant presence around the capital and Mosul now has a reputation as Al-Qaeda’s last urban bastion in Iraq.

Whereas in other cities the militants have been forced underground and are only able to carry out hit and run attacks, in Mosul both Iraqi and foreign fighters are able to operate openly in many districts applying their strict version of Sunni Islam with a rod of iron.

Tuesday’s bus bomber struck near a checkpoint in an area called Smeirath, 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Mosul, Iraqi army Lieutenant Colonel Jalal Dosky told AFP.

The US military was able to confirm only eight dead and eight wounded in the bombing and said it suspected Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

“During a stop at a routine checkpoint, the Iraqi army searched passengers for their identification cards. The suspected AQI suicide bomber exited the bus and then detonated the bomb,” it said.

In the Diyala attack, gunmen set up a fake checkpoint in an area called Al-Adaim north of the provincial capital Baquba.

“At about 10:00 am (0700 GMT) several armed men stopped a minibus carrying 11 men and three women at the checkpoint,” police Lieutenant Colonel Najim al-Sumaidaie told AFP. “They released the women but abducted the men.”

Sumaidaie said minutes later the kidnappers stopped another minibus and abducted the 10 men on board. “All 21 men were taken away in the same minibuses.”

Was it law and order in Winter/Spring 2006?–because the current violence is about the same.  I know contradicting Dear Leader’s fantasy about Iraq is against the rules for Republicans, but the rest of us are a part of the reality based community.

0 thoughts on “Oh, and Dan”
  1. Obviously they’re in their last throws and this all should be over in a matter of weeks and then we can move on to more important neoconservative matters like phasing out Social Security. I’m just glad Iraq’s oil revenues are paying for this war. Could you imagine if we waged war and occupied a country for five years without raising taxes or even so much as instituting war bonds what that kind of recklessness would do to our finances.

  2. Chris,

    Just so long as we all remember that we can’t increase spending because it’s wrong for Illinois and wrong for America.

    (Say, how much money fell off the back of those Halliburton trucks in Iraq? At least it was just Monopoly money — otherwise conservatives might get worried about government waste.)

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