Can someone, anyone explain why Sandy Berger can theoretically get access to classified documents ever again? I know that if someone who wasn’t that high level of a former official did the same thing, he would have his security clearance revoked never to be seen again.

5 thoughts on “Of Other Trainwrecks”
  1. Presumably, the government can call him for his expertise in an advisory role. That, and the fact that there are a lot of double standards in the foreign policy community. They’re not like the rest of us….I mean really they aren’t, I’ve worked with them…And, quite frankly, you and I should no better to even question something like that…Who are we afterall???

  2. I don’t want a $50K fine… I’d rather know what happened.

    If they want to fine him make it at least cover the costs of all the whitewash into his behavior.

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